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Get Focused and Get Committed For Real Business Growth

Man in a hoodie

I know you’re serious about growing your fitness business online, so if you really want to make things happen – whether it's launching that online coaching program or building a killer group coaching business – you’ve got to commit. Not half-heartedly, but full-on. When you do that, things change: the right clients and opportunities start showing up. It’s not magic; it’s just how this stuff works over time.

Get Clear On What You Want

First, let’s talk about clarity. You can’t just say, “I want to make more money” or “I want to get more clients.” What does that even mean? Focused business growth is about being specific. Who are you helping? What impact are you making? How do you want your online fitness business to look a year from now? Are you working with a select group of high-ticket clients, or are you building a community of members in a program?

Until you visualise exactly what that looks like, you’re just spinning your wheels. So, grab a notebook, sit down, and get real with yourself about what kind of business you want to build. Once you know that, you’ve got something to aim for – and that’s when things start moving.

In fact, forget the notebook and just click this link to start using our free online organiser. It’s going to help you get your thoughts in order and focus on the exact steps to scale your online coaching business.

If your goals are scattered you’re basically just hoping things will work out. And hope isn’t a strategy. Having your thoughts organised gives you the confidence to take action. You’ll have a roadmap for your online coaching program, and you’ll know exactly what to do next. This is your business we’re talking about. It’s too important to leave it up to chance.

Stake Your Claim Seriously

Now back to the main point: you have to commit. And I mean really commit. Not the “I’ll try it and see what happens” type of commitment – that’s weak. I’m talking about putting your stake in the ground and saying, “I’m building this business, I’m helping these people, and I’m not stopping until I make it happen.” Quit focusing on distractions or why things might not work. Instead, start looking for solutions and opportunities.

That’s when the right clients start showing up, and that’s how laser focus brings you growth.

Real Change Happens Inside

Before you see results on the outside – the clients, the money, the growth – you’ve got to change what’s going on inside. I see fitness trainers and online coaches all the time who want to launch their online programs, but they’re stuck thinking, “What if no one signs up?” or “I’m not ready to charge that much.”

If you don’t believe in your ability to deliver value, how do you expect anyone else to believe in you? It’s not just about learning marketing tactics or building a client journey (though that’s important). It’s about becoming the kind of person who runs a successful online fitness coaching business.

  • Start building habits that align with the business you want.

  • Ditch the excuses and limiting beliefs that hold you back.

  • Step up and show confidence, even if you don’t feel 100% ready.

The more you work on evolving yourself, the more your business evolves around you.

Focused Business Growth

Here’s the fun part – once you commit and start working on the inner stuff, things start to happen. You land your first online client. People DM you for advice. You launch your program, and boom – clients actually sign up. It’s not a coincidence. It’s a reflection of you levelling up.

It’s not going to happen overnight, and it’s definitely not always easy, but it's worth it.

So, Here's What You Need To Do:

  • Get clear on your goals – no vague wishes, just real, concrete goals.

  • Commit fully – no “maybe” or “if it works,” only “when it works.”

  • Focus on growing as a person and a professional – your business can’t outgrow you.

  • Keep showing up, even when it’s tough, and watch how the right people and opportunities start finding you.



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