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insights for success


test with feedback

It’s important that you test everything you’ve put together so far and get solid feedback from a variety of sources.


First, you want to get a sense of how people perceive your brand and vision. Of course, you can speak with friends and family, but ideally, you want to reach out to potential market—your potential clients. They are the ones who need to connect with your message and offerings, so understanding their perception is more important. But don’t forget to also speak to peers and other fitness professionals whose opinions you trust and value. They’ve been in the trenches too and can offer invaluable insights that could refine everything you’re doing and save you a lot of time.

Here are some questions to ask:

1. When you see my social media or website, what’s your first impression?

2. Do you immediately understand what my business is about?

3. What niche do you think I’m targeting based on my content and messaging?

4. How would you describe the tone and style of my brand?

5. Is there anything confusing or unclear about my message or branding?

6. Do you feel a connection with my brand? Why or why not?

7. What stands out most to you about my business?

These questions will help you see if you’re hitting the mark with your branding or if there’s some tweaking to be done.


Now, let’s talk about your fitness program. You’re the expert on the training itself, but how it’s delivered, how it’s understood, and how it’s perceived are just as important. You need to get a few people to go through your program—even if that means giving away a few free spots at the start. This isn’t about losing money; it’s an investment that will help you to get things right.

Ask your test clients questions like:

1. Was the program easy to follow? Were any parts confusing or unclear?

2. How did you find the pace and structure of the program?

3. Were the videos and instructions clear and engaging?

4. Did you feel supported throughout the program? Why or why not?

5. What did you enjoy most about the program? What would you change?
6. Did the program meet your expectations? Why or why not?

7. How did the digital tools (apps, website, booking system) work for you? Were there any technical difficulties?
This feedback will help you refine your program to make sure it’s hitting all the right notes and delivering value in the way you intend.


Your digital tools and website are going to be the backbone of your online fitness business. You need to make sure they’re seamless and user-friendly. Get a few people to navigate through them. Make sure they’re testing on different devices—smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.—because things can look very different from one platform to another.

Ask them:

1. Were you able to easily navigate the website? Were there any confusing sections?

2. Did you encounter any broken links or pages that didn’t load correctly?

3. Was it easy to find the information you were looking for?

4. How would you rate the overall user experience on the website?

5. Did the website work well on both desktop and mobile devices?

6. Were the booking and payment systems straightforward?

7. Do you have any suggestions for improving the website or digital tools?


Don’t underestimate the power of your social media followers—they can be a great resource for feedback. They’re already engaged with you, and many of them will be happy to provide input if you ask. This can be a great way to involve your audience in your business development and make them feel like they’re part of your journey.

Try asking questions like:

1. What type of content do you enjoy most on my feed? What would you like to see more of?

2. How do you feel about the current tone and style of my posts?

3. Do you have any suggestions for topics you’d like me to cover?

4. Would you be interested in a new program? If so, what would you want it to include?

5. I’m thinking of launching a new program—any ideas for names?

Getting feedback is all about being open and willing to listen. You’ve got to make it easy for people to be real with you. The last thing you want is some sugar-coated nonsense just to protect your feelings. I know, you’ve put in a ton of work and effort into this—your business is like your baby. But don’t screw it all up by being stubborn or overly protective. You want your foundation to be rock solid, right? And sometimes, that means letting other people point out stuff you’ve missed or been blind to. So, toughen up a bit, drop the ego, and let yourself be vulnerable. This is all part of building a fitness business that not only stands out in the market but truly serves your clients in the best way possible.

stop guessing, start growing

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