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insights for success


market and promote

You might be rolling your eyes at the thought of putting your services out there, you might even be thinking, “Not this again,” but don’t tune out just yet.

There’s a way to do this without coming off as cringy or desperate. Yeah, there are some old-school tactics that have been around forever, like the classic, “I’m looking for five people who want to lose weight,” and yeah, that worked back in the day. Hell, I remember that tactic from like 10 years, and it pulled in a crowd. It might still work for some, but if you're finding it’s not hitting like it used to, maybe it's time to shake things up a bit.


If the old tricks aren’t cutting it anymore, don’t be afraid to try something different. You’ve got to keep evolving, especially online. That’s where your audience is, and that’s where you want to focus your efforts. And here’s a tip: Your Stories—Instagram, Facebook, whatever—are golden. They’re a fantastic playground to test different ways to promote your services without feeling like you’ve committed to something that’s permanently etched into your profile. Stories are up for 24 hours. They’re here and gone, so use them! Experiment, see what sticks, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. That’s part of the game.


Now, let’s get real for a second. If you’re feeling hesitant or a bit queasy about putting yourself out there, it’s time to get over it. Seriously. One of the best things I’ve seen clients do is put themselves in the shoes of the people who need what they’re offering. Imagine that person who’s struggling, who’s tried everything, and just needs the right guidance. That’s who you’re doing this for. Not for the haters, not for the people who aren’t interested, but for the ones who need you. If you focus on them, you’ll stop caring about the naysayers. You’ll realize you’re doing a disservice by not being bold and shining a light on what you can offer.


Alright, let’s dive into the psychology behind buying and selling, especially when it comes to the online fitness world. There are tons of sales tactics and marketing strategies out there—trust me, we could talk about them all day. But here, I want to dig a bit deeper into the mindset of both you, the person offering the service, and the potential clients who are considering buying it, so you can avoid the trap of just about pushing benefits and tap into the emotional side of things while creating genuine connections.


Let’s start here: when people decide to buy something, especially something personal like a fitness program, it’s rarely just a logical decision. Sure, they might look at the benefits—better health, more muscle, weight loss—but that’s not what really drives them to pull out their bank cards. What actually gets people to commit is an emotional trigger. They want to feel something: excitement, hope, confidence, or even relief that they’ve finally found the solution to their problem. It’s time to understand that when someone’s looking to build muscle, they’re not just thinking, “I want bigger biceps.” They’re thinking about how those muscles will make them feel more confident, more attractive, stronger, and maybe even more respected. Your job, as the person selling this service, is to connect with that deeper desire. It’s not about banging on about the benefits all the time; it’s about understanding what’s driving their need for change.


So, how do you tap into these emotions? Start by being genuinely curious about your potential clients. Don’t just list out the features of your program like a robot. Engage them in a conversation. Ask questions like, “What’s motivating you to build muscle right now?” or “How do you see your life changing once you hit your fitness goals?” These questions open up a dialogue that’s based on understanding and empathy, not just sales.
For example, if someone tells you they want to build muscle because they feel insecure about their body, don’t just jump in with, “Well, my program has the best techniques for muscle growth!” Instead, acknowledge their feelings. Say something like, “I totally get that. A lot of people feel the same way, and it takes courage to take the first step. Let’s see how we can work together to get you feeling confident and strong.” This way you’re creating a safe space where they feel heard and understood.


The next step is building a genuine connection. This doesn’t happen overnight, and it definitely doesn’t happen if you’re just treating people like numbers. People buy from people they like and trust, especially in the fitness industry where there’s a lot of personal vulnerability involved. Show your personality, be approachable, and share your own journey. Talk about your own struggles and how you overcame them. This makes you more relatable and builds trust. People want to know that you’re not just in it for the sale, but that you genuinely care about their progress. Share success stories—not just about the results, but about the journey. Maybe talk about a client who not only built muscle but also gained the confidence to pursue other life goals. Stories like these resonate because they go beyond the physical results and tap into the emotional transformation that people are actually after.


Another thing you need to understand—it’s not 1995 anymore. The old-school, hard-sell tactics where you try to close someone on the first call are just not cool today. People don’t want to feel pressured or pushed into a decision. Instead, they want to feel like they’re making a choice that’s right for them. So, stop thinking about “closing” a sale and start thinking about “matching” your offer with their needs. This means you need to make sure what you’re offering is genuinely a good fit for the person in front of you. If someone’s looking for a quick fix or isn’t ready to commit, don’t just push them into a long-term program because it’s better for your sales figures. That’s short-term thinking. In the long run, it’s going to lead to dissatisfied clients and bad reviews. Instead, be upfront. If you feel like your program isn’t the right fit, say so. They’ll appreciate the honesty and might come back to you later, or even refer someone else who is a better fit. Do this and you’ll be remembered for all the right reasons.


Another important point is timing. Not everyone is ready to buy right away, and that’s okay. It’s important to recognise when someone isn’t in the right place to commit and It’s important you respect that. Don’t push; instead, nurture the relationship. Keep them in your loop with valuable content, stay connected through emails, and engage them with social media posts that speak directly to their pain points and desires. Be patient, be consistent, and when the time is right, they’ll think of you first.


Avoid just talking about the value of your program, show it. Give them a taste of what it’s like to work with you. Maybe offer a free mini-consultation or a downloadable guide that gives them some quick wins. Let them experience a small part of your service before committing fully. This not only builds trust but also creates a sense of reciprocity—they’re more likely to buy from you if they’ve already received something valuable for free.
At the end of the day, the philosophy of selling in the fitness industry is less about pushing products and more about building relationships. It’s about understanding what your potential clients are truly looking for—not just on the surface, but deep down. It’s about creating a space where they feel understood and supported, not just sold to. If you can do that, not only will you find more success in your sales efforts, but you’ll also build a community of loyal clients who see you as a valuable partner in their fitness journey. And that, my friend, is where the real value lies.

stop guessing, start growing

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