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leverage testimonials and reviews

Once you’re out there doing the work and getting results for your clients, you’ve got to make it a priority to collect comments and testimonials.

Seriously, don’t be shy about this. Get their words—ask them straight up how your service has impacted their life, what changes they've seen, and what they loved most about working with you. This isn’t just for a feel-good moment; it’s about leveraging those testimonials in smart ways.


First off, slap those testimonials everywhere. Social media is a no-brainer—share them in your posts, your Stories, even your bio if it fits. But don’t stop there. Use them when you’re consulting with potential clients too. When someone’s on the fence about signing up, nothing speaks louder than a real-life story from someone who was in their shoes and saw amazing results. It’s like having your past clients do the selling for you.
At every stage of the customer journey, from the moment they first hear about you to the point where they’re considering signing up, a well-placed testimonial can make all the difference. Have them peppered all over your website. Got a landing page for a specific program? Make sure there’s a glowing review right there talking about how that exact program changed someone’s life. And don’t underestimate the power of video testimonials. A client speaking directly to the camera about their experience is way more compelling than just a block of text. It’s raw, it’s real, and it connects.


Collecting testimonials shouldn’t be a one-time thing. Make it a regular part of your process. After a client reaches a milestone or completes a program, ask them how it went and if they’d be willing to share their experience. This doesn’t have to be formal—sometimes a simple DM asking for feedback can work wonders. And remember, it’s not just about the positive stuff; constructive feedback is gold too. It helps you improve and shows potential clients that you’re always looking to get better, and there are different ways to approach this.


Testimonials are like quick, powerful soundbites. These are short quotes or statements from your clients that highlight their positive experiences with your services. They’re super easy to collect and great for building trust quickly. Think of them as those one-liners that capture the essence of a client’s satisfaction—something like, “I lost 10 pounds in three months and feel stronger than ever thanks to your program!” They don’t dive deep, but they do provide an instant boost of credibility. You can use testimonials on social media, your website, email marketing, and even in consultations. They’re perfect for those moments when you want to hit someone with a quick dose of reassurance.


Reviews go a step further than testimonials. These are usually a bit longer and can be found on platforms like Google, Yelp, or Facebook. Reviews often include a brief overview of the client’s experience, why they chose your service in the first place, and what they found beneficial or challenging.

The strength of reviews lies in their accessibility and authenticity. Because they’re often hosted on third-party platforms, potential clients see them as more trustworthy since they’re less curated.


Now, let’s talk about case studies. These are the heavy hitters in your social proof arsenal. A case study is a detailed account of a client’s journey from start to finish. It’s not just about the end result, but about the entire process—the challenges faced, the strategies used, and the outcomes achieved. Case studies provide context, depth, and a narrative that potential clients can relate to on a personal level.
For someone on a fitness journey, a case study might include:

• Starting Point: Where the client was at the beginning. What were their fitness levels, their goals, and their struggles? For instance, “Jane started at 180 pounds, feeling low on energy and lacking confidence.”

• Challenges Faced: What obstacles did they encounter along the way? Did they have trouble sticking to a meal plan, or did they struggle with motivation? “Jane struggled with meal prep and finding time for workouts due to her busy schedule.”

• Strategy and Implementation: What specific actions were taken to overcome these challenges? This could include workout plans, dietary changes, or mindset coaching. “We implemented a flexible workout schedule and introduced quick, nutritious meals that fit Jane’s lifestyle.”

• Progress Over Time: Use specific dates and measurable progress points. “Within the first month, Jane lost 5 pounds and reported feeling more energetic. By the third month, she had lost 15 pounds and significantly increased her strength.”

• Results Achieved: Highlight the tangible outcomes—weight loss, muscle gain, improved endurance, etc. “By the end of the six-month program, Jane lost 30 pounds, gained muscle definition, and ran her first 5K.”

• Client Feedback: What did they think about the process? This could be a mix of quotes and narrative. “Jane said, ‘I didn’t think I could stick to a fitness routine, but the personalised support made all the difference.’”

• Lessons Learned and Future Goals: What did they learn about themselves, and what are their next steps? “Jane now feels confident maintaining her fitness independently and is aiming to run a 10K next year.”


To create a compelling case study, you’ll want to ask questions that dig deeper into the client's experience:

1. What were your fitness goals before starting the program?

2. What were some of the biggest challenges you faced in your fitness journey?

3. How did our program help you overcome these challenges?

4. What changes did you notice in the first few weeks/months?

5. Were there any specific strategies or tools that were particularly helpful?

6. Can you share a specific moment when you realised you were making progress?

7. What results have you achieved so far, and how have they impacted your life?

8. What advice would you give to someone considering joining this program?

9. How has your perspective on fitness changed since starting the program?

10. What are your fitness goals moving forward, and how do you plan to achieve them?


Case studies can be incredibly powerful in your marketing efforts. They’re great for blog posts, landing pages, sales funnels, and email campaigns. You can also use them during consultations to show potential clients that you have a proven track record of helping people achieve their goals.

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