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insights for success


engage with your audience

Engagement is a big buzzword right now, and while many people are trying their hand at it, what does truly effective engagement look like?

We’re not just talking about throwing up a post and hoping for the best. We’re talking about getting in there, having real conversations, showing up as someone who cares—not just someone trying to sell something. People on social media aren’t looking for a dictator; they’re looking for a partner, a guide, maybe even a friend. They want someone who sees them beyond the perfect posts, someone who actually gets who they are, someone who’s willing to have a conversation, listen to their struggles, and offer a personalised solution that fits their life, circumstances, and preferences.


You can’t assume you know what people want. That’s a rookie mistake. Real engagement means asking questions, having genuine conversations, and being curious about your audience. When you engage without the full-on sales pitch, you’re not just building rapport; you’re doing deep market research without even realising it. You’re learning about their needs, their pain points, their desires, and the kind of solutions they’re looking for. And when you know all that? You’re not just offering a service anymore—you’re offering something they feel they absolutely need because it’s so aligned with their life. Plus, they see you as someone who genuinely wants them to succeed, not just another coach trying to fill their schedule.


You don’t want to turn this into an interview-style conversations. That’s stiff, boring, and a total turn-off. Instead, aim for a natural, back-and-forth dialogue. Think of it like chatting with a friend, not conducting an interrogation. Neither do you want to come off as being pushy or like you’re just in it for a quick sale. The key here is to keep things relaxed and, on a level, playing field. Yes, you’re the expert, but you don’t want to come across as superior or overbearing. Try to avoid jumping straight into fitness talk or bombarding them with advice. Instead, focus on being genuinely curious about them—ask about their day, their interests, or something they’ve shared online. Maybe they’ve posted about a new recipe they’ve tried or a holiday they just took—these are perfect opportunities to start a conversation that feels natural and engaging.

stop guessing, start growing

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