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develop your program

You’ve got to decide first whether your fitness program is going to be a one-size-fits-all group program or if you’re going for something more personalised.

Are you creating a standard plan that everyone follows, or are you taking a basic outline and tweaking it for each person? This is especially important for online coaching where clients expect a more tailored, one-on-one experience. But either way, there are some key things your program absolutely needs to have if you want it to be successful for anyone who joins.

First off, your program has to be structured and clear. People need to know what to expect right from the start—what the goals are, how long it’s going to take, and what kind of commitment they’re signing up for. Break it down week by week, day by day, so there’s no confusion about what they should be doing and when. Clarity keeps people on track and motivated.

Next, think about what to include a mix of training elements—strength training, cardio, flexibility, and recovery. A well-rounded program hits all these points because that’s what delivers the best results and keeps people engaged. You want your clients to see progress, feel challenged, and not get bored, right? So, mix it up!

Also, don’t forget about progressive overload. This is all about gradually increasing the difficulty of the workouts to keep challenging the body and making sure clients continue to see results. It could be more reps, more weight, or just more intensity over time to avoid plateaus.

You’ll also need to incorporate some sort of tracking and accountability. This could be as simple as a weekly check-in, a progress log, or even a buddy system. People are more likely to stick with a program if they know they’re being held accountable. Plus, it gives you a chance to catch any issues early—like if someone’s struggling or losing motivation—so you can jump in and help.

Now, let’s talk about education. If educating your clients along the way is important to you—and it should be—consider adding quizzes or questionnaires. These can be a fun and interactive way to ensure they’re actually understanding the material and learning as they go. Knowledge is power, right? If they understand the why behind what they’re doing, they’re more likely to stick with it and make lasting changes.

And don’t skip on nutrition guidance. You don’t have to be a dietitian, but at least provide some basic guidelines or tips on how to eat to support their fitness goals. Maybe even include some simple meal plans or snack ideas. A fitness program without addressing nutrition is like a car with no gas—it’s not going to go very far.
Another thing to think about is community and support. If you’re doing a group program, create a space—like a Facebook group, a WhatsApp chat, or a place on your website—where people can share their experiences, ask questions, and support each other.

Also, you need to include recovery and rest. This isn’t just about the workouts; it’s about making sure people are taking care of their bodies. Educate them on the importance of rest days, sleep, and even things like stretching and foam rolling. It’s all part of the bigger picture of fitness.

Ok, so we’ve talked about the basics, but if you want to make your fitness program really stand out and be successful for anyone who joins, you’ve got to think outside the box. Here are some ideas that most people don’t think about, but you absolutely should consider if you want to take your program to the next level.

You could think about adding some mindset and motivation coaching to your program. You’ve got to remember; the psychology of winning doesn’t just happen overnight. People might be facing mental barriers like self-doubt, and no matter how great your program is, these can seriously slow down progress. So, maybe throw in some short videos or audio sessions that help tackle these mental blocks. Make it part of their routine to work on their mindset, not just their muscles.

And why not make things a bit more fun with some gamification? Add a few challenges or set up leaderboards—get a little healthy competition going. You could do something like track who’s hitting the most steps each week, or who’s sticking to their meal plan the best. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, but even a simple point system can really encourage people to push themselves and stay engaged.

Another great idea is to bring in some outside experts. Imagine having monthly expert sessions where you collaborate with a nutritionist, a mental health coach, or even a sports psychologist. Give your clients access to these Q&A sessions. This isn’t just about workouts anymore; it adds a whole new level of value and gives your program a holistic edge that most others don’t have.

And here’s something that could really shake things up: flip the script with some client-led sessions. Put the spotlight on your clients as they start learning more about fitness. Maybe have one of them share their favourite workout tips, or a healthy recipe they love, or even just tell their story about their personal fitness journey. This makes them feel seen and valued, and it’s great for building community.

So keep things fresh, make your program something really worth joining and maybe throw in a little surprise every now and then. It could be a freebie, or even just a heartfelt thank-you. These little touches can really make people feel appreciated and keep them excited about being part of your program.

stop guessing, start growing

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