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create a content strategy

Content is king, but strategy is queen. To keep your audience engaged and attract new clients, you need to be consistent, provide value, and stay relevant.

When it comes to your content, the first thing you want to do is optimise your social media platforms. Whatever platforms you’re on—whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or LinkedIn—you’ve got to make them work for you. Start by adding some relevant keywords to your bio. This isn’t just filler; it boosts your discoverability when people are searching for what you offer. Also, make sure to include links to your website or landing pages, especially if you’re running specific campaigns or promotions. And here’s a golden rule—something I know you’re already aware of but might need reminding: always reply to comments and messages. Engage with your audience. It’s not just about broadcasting; it’s about building a community.

Now, let’s talk about creating a strategy for releasing your content. This isn’t just about throwing stuff out there and hoping it sticks. You need a plan. Creating a content schedule is a good start. This way, you know what you’re putting out and when. Your content strategy should include a mix of different formats—like blog posts that go into detail on your website, and shorter, punchier social media posts that are like little snapshots of your expertise. And don’t forget videos and images; they’re key to holding people’s attention, especially on visual platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

Types of Content to Include

1. Motivational Content: This type of content is all about moving people to take action. It’s not just about making them feel good—it’s about making them feel inspired to actually do something. Think workout challenges, motivational quotes with a personal twist, or stories of transformation that encourage people to get off the couch and start working toward their goals.

2. Inspirational Content: This is different from motivational content. Inspirational content is more about showcasing the incredible, the awe-inspiring, the “Wow, I can’t believe they did that!” kind of stuff. These are the amazing feats of strength, flexibility, or endurance that people love to watch. Sure, it might not drive people to immediate action, but it builds your brand as a fitness authority and keeps people coming back for more.

3. Educational Content: These are posts that provide value by explaining the science behind fitness, breaking down complex concepts, or offering tips and tricks. This could be anything from the benefits of HIIT workouts to a breakdown of macronutrients and how they fuel the body. You’re positioning yourself as not just a coach, but an educator in the fitness space.

4. Behind-the-Scenes Content: Give your audience a peek behind the curtain. Show them a day in your life as a fitness professional, the process of designing a workout program, or even a blooper reel from your last video shoot. This type of content humanises you and makes your brand more relatable and approachable.

5. Client Spotlights and Testimonials: Highlight success stories from your clients. Share their journeys, their challenges, and their triumphs. This not only provides social proof but also builds a sense of community. People love to see stories of people like them succeeding—it makes them think, “If they can do it, maybe I can too.”

6. Interactive Content: Think polls, quizzes, or challenges. Ask your audience to share their favourite workouts, vote on what content they’d like to see next, or participate in a fitness challenge. This kind of content boosts engagement because it makes your audience feel like they’re a part of something, not just passive observers.

7. Seasonal Content: Tie your content into the seasons, holidays, or current events. Offer a “New Year, New You” workout series, a summer fitness challenge, or tips on staying active during the winter months. Seasonal content keeps things fresh and relevant.
Strategy and Tactics for Content Release

Now, let’s talk strategy. It’s not just about what you post, but how and when you post it.

1. Content Calendar: You need a content calendar. This helps you plan ahead, stay consistent, and ensure you’re covering a range of topics. You should be aiming to post at least two to three times a week on social media to keep yourself relevant and your audience engaged. This doesn’t mean throwing random stuff out there. Plan your posts so they build on each other and create a cohesive narrative over time.

2. Timing Matters: Pay attention to when your audience is most active. Generally, mornings or evenings work best because that’s when most people are checking their social media. But don’t just guess—check your analytics to see when your followers are most engaged and schedule your posts around those times.

3. Mix Up Your Formats: Keep things fresh by mixing up the type of content you post. Alternate between videos, infographics, blog snippets, and personal stories. Each format appeals to a different part of your audience, and variety keeps people interested.

4. Use Hashtags and Keywords: Use relevant hashtags and keywords to expand your reach. Hashtags help new people discover your content, while keywords in your posts and bio improve your searchability.

5. Repurpose Content: Don’t be afraid to repurpose content. A blog post can be broken down into several social media posts, a series of tips can be turned into an infographic, and a client testimonial can be used in multiple formats. Repurposing maximises the value of each piece of content and saves you time.

6. Leverage Stories and Reels: Platforms like Instagram and Facebook have Stories and Reels, which are great for sharing quick updates, behind-the-scenes content, or short, engaging videos. These are perfect for keeping your audience engaged between your more substantial posts.

7. Encourage User-Generated Content: Get your followers involved. Encourage them to share their workout pics, tag you, or use a branded hashtag. User-generated content not only builds community but also serves as free marketing for your brand.

8. Incorporate Quizzes and Questionnaires: If you want to keep your audience engaged and ensure they’re actually absorbing the information, include quizzes or questionnaires. This can be a fun way to test their knowledge and reinforce learning. Plus, it gives you insight into what your audience is understanding and where they might need more guidance.

9. Create Long-Form Content: Don’t forget about the deeper, more detailed content like blogs and articles. Aim for at least one substantial piece of content per month. This is where you can dive deep into a topic and show your expertise. Longer content can be great for SEO and provides a valuable resource that your audience can refer back to.

10. Monitor and Adjust: Finally, keep an eye on your analytics. Look at what’s working and what’s not. Are certain types of posts getting more engagement? Are there times of day when your audience is more active? Use this data to tweak your strategy over time.

stop guessing, start growing

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