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engage and sell

How To

refine your selling approach

Master a selling approach that feels natural and authentic, helping you convert leads into clients without feeling pushy.

We all strive for perfection and aim to be the best, but do we ever truly reach it? I’m not so sure perfection even exists. Still, for some people, constantly pushing to improve and reach the next level is part of who they are. That drive to try new things and better themselves is what keeps life exciting.


Do you need to adopt a perfectionist mindset to grow an online fitness business? No. But regularly looking for ways to improve is mega important. If you make that part of your philosophy—whether internally or as a core value—you’ll set yourself up for success. There's a lot to be said for those who take the time to analyse how they can do better, whether it’s improving their processes, refining their team, or enhancing how they operate. That constant effort to refine and grow is what helps set you apart.


Make sure to set time aside regularly to review your progress. Look at your numbers, assess how your sales are going, and break down each part of your customer’s journey. This will help you see what’s working and why it’s working, so you can articulate your strengths and keep them polished. And, of course, it will also reveal areas that need tweaking—whether it’s your sales approach or the steps you take to guide someone from prospect to client.


From the first touchpoint—whether that’s a social media post or a conversation—your message needs to be clear, relevant, and consistent. Your content should resonate with your audience, from the imagery you use to how you communicate. Some clients may be ready to move forward quickly, but others will take their time. So, think about how you’re nurturing those longer-term prospects. Are you sending them valuable content or personalised emails to keep them engaged? Are you offering something more interactive, like a fitness assessment, to give them a taste of what you can do?


By keeping an eye on things and fully understanding your customer’s journey, you’ll notice when things start to change. For example, you might see that people are dropping off at a certain point—maybe they show interest but don’t follow through after the first meeting. This gives you a good chance to stop and look at what you’re doing. It’s easy to blame the clients and think, "They just weren’t serious." But you need to ask yourself if there’s something in your process that’s losing them.


Are you explaining things clearly enough? Do they actually see the value in what you are offering? Have you even asked them? Maybe the way you’re presenting your services is too overwhelming or not engaging enough. You might need to switch things up, keep it positive, and make sure people feel encouraged and excited to move forward—not turned off or confused. And don’t forget the small things. If improvements are needed, make them! Things like how you follow up or how you structure your consultation can make all the difference.


Once you’ve gotten people through all the stages and they’re ready to sign up, don’t let a clunky process stop them. If your signup process requires back-and-forth emails or manual steps, you might be losing clients. Think about streamlining it—whether that’s setting up an automated system on your website or even taking payments over the phone.


The entire journey—from the moment they show interest to when they actually sign up—all of it counts towards making or losing the sale. Every step you take helps, or it doesn’t. Once you’ve figured out that someone is a good fit, you’ve got to have specific milestones lined up for them as they explore what you’re offering. So, pick apart your process. Know it inside and out. Figure out what’s working, what isn’t, and track the numbers that actually matter. This is what’s going to turn your system into a well-oiled machine, and eventually, it’ll allow you to step back and reclaim some of your time. Without a clear system, you’ll never be able to grow your business or build a team. Get that nailed down first.


Even if someone doesn’t sign up, you’ve still learned something. You’ve had the chance to sharpen your approach and understand your market better. Reflect on each stage and consider adding thoughtful touches—like sending a follow-up summary or a free gift after an initial meeting. Also, don’t be too proud to get feedback from someone you trust in the industry. Tools like video note-takers or meeting transcriptions can also help you assess your performance during Zoom meetings. You might think you’re doing everything right, but reviewing your conversations could reveal habits like talking too much or finishing people’s sentences. That’s a big no-no, by the way, but it’s so easily done. Ideally, aim to speak less than 40%, even less than 30%, of the time and let your prospect do the rest. This gives them space to express their needs while you fine-tune your approach.


Improving your process isn’t something you do once; it’s an ongoing practice of refining and learning from each interaction. Make it part of your routine to evaluate and adjust as needed.

how to reach sales success

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