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engage and sell

How To

perfect your range of scripts

Scripts help to guide your conversations, making it easier to connect with people and move them closer to your premium services.

The idea of using a sales script might make you cringe, especially if you haven’t done much in sales or business before. You’re probably thinking, “Ugh, I don’t want to sound like a robot or some pushy salesperson.” I get it. But honestly, having a solid script is going to help you in multiple ways, and you should consider different scripts for different situations: when you first reach out, during the consultation, and even for follow-ups. It’s all about making things flow smoothly without feeling forced.


If your script makes you feel stiff, awkward, or like you’re just trying to sell something, then they are not good scripts, and you’ve got work to do. Your script should feel natural, like you’re having a genuine conversation. You should feel confident about what you’re saying, and the person you’re talking to should feel heard, like you’re speaking directly to them. It should feel like a real, private conversation, not a sales pitch. The goal is for them to feel like you’re interested, empathetic, and really tuned into them, not like you’re trying to push them into a corner to close a deal. That approach? It’s old and tired. There’s a much better way to do this now.


So, first things first: social media is where you will now find most of your online clients and for this you need a variety of scripts tailored for the different kinds of leads you’ll come across. If the idea of cold DMs makes you gag, then congratulations, you’re human. Nobody likes to feel like they’re bothering people or worse, annoying them. And to be clear, I’m not suggesting you spam people. But you still need to reach out and respond, and there’s a nicer way to do it.


Here’s what I recommend: break down your outreach into three main categories—Direct Leads, Indirect Leads, and Engagement-based Leads. Direct Leads are people who’ve specifically asked you about your services or prices. They’re already interested, so you can move faster with them. Indirect Leads, on the other hand, are folks who’ve maybe asked you about something related, like an exercise, supplements, or nutrition, but haven’t explicitly mentioned your services. And then there’s Engagement-based Leads—these are the ones who’ve liked a post of yours or followed you. They’re not totally cold, because something you said caught their attention, but you’ll need to warm them up before you can talk business.


You’ll need different scripts for each type of lead, with different ways to start, guide, and close the conversation. For Direct and Indirect Leads, you can jump into the business side a little sooner. But for Engagement-based Leads, you’ll have to take your time. These people will need a bit of back-and-forth, maybe some light conversation about anything but fitness at first, before you get to their goals.
Think of it like dating. Let’s say there’s someone you’re into. You wouldn’t start with, “Hey, wanna get serious?” You’d ask questions, crack a few jokes, get to know them. Same thing here. For your engagement leads, take your time, ask lots of open-ended questions, gather info, and really get to know them before you offer anything. Keep it chill, build that connection, and when the time’s right, they’ll be open to what you have to offer.

Now, when it comes to what you’re offering, I suggest keeping it super light and easy. You want a meeting but don’t call it a consultation—especially not with engagement-based leads. Call it a “chat” and keep it short, like 15 minutes tops. That’s all you’re aiming for with your social media messaging. Right now, you’re not trying to sell them anything. You’re just trying to get them on a quick call to see if you like each other and figure out if they’re a good fit for your services.
15 minutes is easy for anyone to squeeze in. And honestly, if they can’t find that time, they’re probably going to be a nightmare client anyway, so don’t sweat it. It’s a tiny commitment, and at this point, it’s all free. This is about discovery—nothing more. There’s no need to talk prices or packages yet. You’re still in the info-gathering phase, learning about their challenges and what they want to change. Keep this in mind while messaging, and you’ll feel much better about it all, plus your success rate will go up.
Don’t just invite anybody to a call. Even though it’s only 15 minutes, that can add up and eat into your schedule, so you need to be smart with your time. I can’t write exactly how to write your script because every trainer and business is different, but here’s what needs to happen in all of them:


First, when you’re messaging people on social media, start with acknowledgment. Whether they reached out to you or you reached out to them, show some appreciation. Thank them for connecting, for liking your post, whatever—just acknowledge the interaction. Now, depending on whether they’re a direct or indirect lead, you might want to ask permission to ask a few questions right away. But with engagement-based leads, that’s going to take some time. You’ll need to have a lot of casual back-and-forth before diving into fitness talk.

Let’s say you’ve gone through all that and you’re getting down to business. Always, always thank them for sharing their thoughts and letting you in on what they’re dealing with. It’s a big deal when people open up, so show that you appreciate it. Then, dig into their goals. What do they want to achieve? Try to get specific—put some kind of time frame or measurable result on it.


Depending on the client, it could be weight loss, muscle building, or maybe something more functional like recovering from an injury or regaining mobility. Your script should be tailored to fit these different needs. When you ask about their goals, dig deeper—find out what they want to be able to do again, and figure out what they can’t do right now. What movements or activities are they struggling with?


Next up: their current solutions. Are they doing anything about their challenges right now? Have they tried stuff in the past? Are they thinking about trying something soon, or are they just sitting around waiting for an answer to magically appear? Spend time here because this gets them thinking about taking ownership of their situation. Then, confirm what they’ve said. Repeat their thoughts back to them to make sure you’ve got it right and let them clarify if needed. This helps build understanding on both sides.


Once you’ve nailed down their goals and current solutions, it’s time to figure out their struggles. What’s really stopping them from making progress? Maybe it’s a confidence issue because they don’t like how they look, or maybe they’ve tried and failed in the past. Whatever it is, get them to acknowledge it.


Now here’s where you drop some value. Share a little bit of your knowledge—something they can nod along to and agree with. Let them know you understand their struggles, that you’ve seen people go through this before, and you’ve helped them overcome it. Help them see that their struggles are totally solvable with your expertise.


Then, find out how urgent they are about making a change. You might have uncovered real problems and real solutions you can offer, but if they don’t care about fixing it anytime soon, it’s not worth your time. That’s why a script is so important—it helps you qualify leads properly so you don’t waste time.
If you find there’s urgency, and they’re ready to get serious, then offer a call. Don’t dive into your packages or services just yet—just offer a time to chat more in-depth. That’s what this script should focus on: moving them towards that short discovery call to see if your services can help them.
And remember, you’ll need to tweak your script regularly. Some questions might confuse people, while others will really resonate, so adjust as you go. Also, the information you gather from these conversations? Gold for your marketing. You’ll be able to fine-tune your messages to speak directly to your target audience because you’ll understand them on a deeper level. This script isn’t set in stone—it’s a living document that will help guide people through the first stage of their journey with you.

There are a bunch of ways you can gauge if someone’s financially a good fit for your service, if they can afford it, and if they can make decisions on their own without needing to consult anyone else. How you approach this will depend on where your business is at, how much time you’ve got, and how many leads you’re getting from your social media. It could be a smart move to feel them out in your messages, but don’t overthink it or it’ll come across like you’re trying too hard to qualify them. Just keep it cool, relaxed, and friendly—like a natural conversation. I hope this helps show why using scripts are important and how to use them in a way that feels authentic and easy.

how to reach sales success

Trainer with a laptom

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If you're not where you want to be, it's because you haven't found the right solution yet.


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