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attractive free gifts

Offer irresistible free gifts that build trust and provide value, helping you nurture relationships and re-engage.

These days, information is everywhere—literally at your fingertips—so it’s easy for people to overlook or dismiss it. But does that mean free gifts are a thing of the past? Not at all! Free gifts are still super valuable, especially when used the right way. Traditionally, they’ve been a great way to generate leads. You offer something of value, like a guide or ebook, in exchange for an email or contact info, and you’ve got a lead to follow up with. This approach still works, and I’d recommend it to anyone—get some forms or lead magnets on your website to capture that info.
But here’s another way to use free gifts: when you’re chatting with someone on social media and you realise they’re not the best fit for your premium offer, but they could benefit from something like your fat loss blueprint. That’s a perfect time to offer it up, letting them know you’re always available for any questions. It’s a great way to wrap up the conversation.

The crazy thing is that about 80% of the people you give a free gift to likely won’t even open it. This is something I’ve noticed over and over, and research backs it up (from sources like Outgrow and Retail TouchPoints). People are drawn to freebies with the best intentions, but because they didn’t pay for it, there’s little urgency to actually use it.
But here’s the silver lining: they’ll always remember that you offered them something of value and, more importantly, how you made them feel during your interaction. Even if they’re not ready to buy now, or if money is tight, when the time comes that they are ready, you’ll be the first person they think of. So, always leave people with something helpful, even if it doesn’t lead to immediate business. It plants a seed for future opportunities.

As an online fitness professional, your premium services—whether it’s a coaching package or a group program—are where your focus will be, and your prices will reflect that. But it’s also a good idea to have a low-cost option, for people who might not be able to afford your premium services right now or just aren’t ready to commit. Some people need more time to get comfortable with you, and that’s okay.

I’ve seen clients have success with low-cost options like seven-day or 10-day programs, ebooks, or even offering hard-copy versions of guides they’ve written. It’s a way for potential clients to “test the waters” without a huge financial commitment. You could even throw in a discount code to make it more appealing, but I wouldn’t make it free—something small but with value makes people feel like they’re getting something special, and it can lead them toward investing in your premium services down the line.

When thinking of free gift ideas, consider creating a fat loss guide, a muscle-building plan, or maybe even a mini-series on free weights for beginners. The key is to make it personal and relevant to your brand, something people can’t just find with a quick Google search. Add in your own experiences, tips, and insights that you’ve gained over the years to make it stand out.

A great approach I’ve seen is to take that free guide or ebook and turn it into a more engaging format. For example, create a fat loss guide on Canva or PowerPoint and record yourself presenting it, almost like an on-demand webinar. That way, people get the hard copy and the video version where you break things down in detail. It adds a personal touch, and people love that—it feels more like a conversation than just downloading another ebook. Give it a try and see how it connects!

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